oro house recovery

High-Functioning Anxiety Symptoms and Treatment

High-Functioning Anxiety

Anxiety disorders are the most common form of mental illness in the United States. They come in many forms and each individual experiences them differently, but one type that often goes unnoticed is referred to as high-functioning anxiety or functional anxiety. It is normal to feel anxious unless a high level of anxiety interferes with … Read more

Happy Hormones Boost Feel-Good Brain Chemicals

Happy Hormones

“Happiness Hormones” is a term used to describe to certain types of feel good happy chemicals in the brain. These happiness chemicals play an important role in regulating mood and emotions and contribute to our feelings of happiness, pleasure, and positive mental health. When a person’s brain chemistry is working properly, they feel happy and … Read more

Serotonin Syndrome Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

serotonin syndrome

Serotonin Syndrome symptoms are not something many people are familiar with, but anyone taking antidepressant medications or SSRIs for depression or mood disorders should be aware of them. In the last two decades, serotonin has become a buzzword associated with good health, and for good reason. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, or chemical messenger, that is … Read more

26 Athletes, Celebrities and Famous People With ADHD

famous people with adhd

For anyone concerned that a learning disability in school may cause a difficulty later in life, it’s helpful to know that many celebrities and famous people with ADHD faced the same challenges when they were younger and successfully overcame a similar struggle. Whenever a diagnosis of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is mentioned, most people associate the … Read more

How to Increase Oxytocin Effects and Benefits

How to Increase Oxytocin

Understanding how to increase oxytocin naturally can have positive effects and benefits on the way we feel, our relationships with others, and even play a healthy role in addiction treatment and recovery. Oxytocin is sometimes called the “love hormone” and has a significant impact on our emotional health, happiness, and physical well-being. What is Oxytocin? … Read more

25 Celebrities and Famous People With OCD

Celebrities With OCD

As common as it is in society, it should come as no surprise that there are many celebrities and famous people with OCD that are affected by the disorder, just like with the general public. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is one of the five major types of anxiety disorders and it can be extremely difficult to … Read more

Anhedonia Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Anhedonia Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Anhedonia causes and symptoms are closely tied to drug and alcohol addiction, as well as a number of mental health conditions. Most people understand the meaning of anhedonia and what it represents, even if they aren’t familiar with the word itself. The condition impacts the lives of many people who are affected by depression, substance … Read more

Effects of Alcohol on the Body and Brain

effects of alcohol on the body

Even though alcohol consumption is widely accepted in society, there are many negative side effects of alcohol on the body and brain. Whether it’s a glass (or two) of wine in the evening or simply a few beers after work, it is normal for many people to regularly drink alcohol despite the health risks. According … Read more

Types of Depression, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Types of Depression, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Depression is a mental health condition characterized by feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed. There are different types of depression and each one has unique depressive symptoms, causes, and treatment methods. The symptoms of depression go beyond normal fluctuations in mood and often have a significant impact on … Read more

Types of Trauma Disorders Symptoms and Therapy

Types of Trauma Disorders Symptoms and Therapy

There are a number of different types of trauma disorders that encompass various psychological conditions and usually arise from experiencing or witnessing distressing events. With approximately 8 million Americans encountering traumatic events annually, the prevalence of various types of trauma disorders is significant, as reported by The National Center for PTSD. The good news is … Read more