oro house recovery

Alcoholic Neuropathy Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Alcoholic Neuropathy

Excessive alcohol consumption, especially for long-term drinkers, can create a host of difficult health issues. Of course, there is the potential for addiction, but developing a painful condition known as Alcoholic Neuropathy is something few people know about. Nerve damage from this condition can be permanent, although many of the painful symptoms are likely to … Read more

Sober Happy Hour Alcohol-Free Way to Drink and Socialize

sober happy hour

Sober Happy Hour is a growing movement to continue socializing while drinking alcohol-free drinks. And it’s not as boring as some might think. One of the hardest things, especially for people new to recovery from alcohol or drug abuse, is not just the adjustment to literal sobriety, but also the change in personal social rituals. … Read more

No Sugar Diet and Benefits of Quitting Sugar

no sugar diet

As delicious as a sweet treat can be from time to time, most of us don’t realize the amount of added sugar we’re consuming every single day. If we understood the health benefits of quitting sugar and a no sugar diet we would look at those treats differently. The recommended amount of daily sugar consumption … Read more

Sound Baths: A Relaxing Experience for Inner and Outer Healing

sound therapy

By now you have likely heard the phrase “Sound Therapy.” While this method of natural healing has been making a resurgence and is often considered to be a new, trendy concept, it actually has a rich, ancient history that dates back to 4000 B.C. In modern day, Sound Healing rituals known as Sound Baths are … Read more

6 Ways to Increase GABA Naturally For Anxiety Without Benzos

increase gaba naturally

Finding ways to increase GABA naturally to be less stressed out might be an alternative for some people, instead of using medications like benzodiazapines for anxiety. Sometimes it seems like there’s no end to the stress and pressure that comes with day-to-day life. For many people, feeling tense and anxious is their default setting and … Read more

Gratitude Jar Ideas and How To Create One

gratitude jar

It’s the perfect time to create a gratitude jar and start things on a positive note. As humans, it’s common for us to look for the bad – not because we are cynical – but because we are looking for what we have to fix in our lives. The downside to this way of thinking … Read more

Healthy Boundaries In Relationships

Boundaries in Relationships

The entertainment industry has a lot to say about relationships but what about boundaries in relationships? Movies, books, TV shows and even musical lyrics provide a similar definition of love: love means that a partner can treat you however he or she wants, and because you love each other, you must always forgive. The truth … Read more

Alcoholism Statistics and Facts

Alcoholism Statistics

When asked what they think is the most heavily abused drug in the United States, many people choose opioids, inhalants, or stimulants. In reality, the answer is a substance that many may not categorize as a drug at all: alcohol. If this comes as a surprise to you, there’s a lot about alcohol you may … Read more

Signs of a Toxic Relationship and How To Leave

signs of a toxic relationship

Signs of a Toxic relationship are a serious problem for many people in this world. It can be hard to feel good while in the middle of a harmful relationship. It doesn’t matter if you’re dating someone who is dealing with severe drug addiction. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a complex situation that’s all about … Read more

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome – What is It and What are the Symptoms?

fetal alcohol syndrome

Did you know that Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is the leading cause of preventable birth defects and developmental disabilities in the United States? Fetal Alcohol Syndrome can result in a baby being born with altered facial features, lack of coordination, behavioral problems and slow growth. FAS is the most common type of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum … Read more