oro house recovery

How to Increase Serotonin Naturally – Serotonin Foods and Tips

How to Increase Serotonin

Learning how to how to increase serotonin is beneficial because it’s a natural mood booster that makes us feel happier and improves our mental health and bodily functions. It’s actually quite easy to do, especially when incorporating serotonin foods and exercise into regular lifestyle habits. Every day, people are taking more and more responsibility for … Read more

Dry January Tips For a Successful Sober New Year

dry january

New Year’s resolutions can feel like a formula for failure, especially if we’re trying to change unhealthy habits like consuming too much alcohol. Enter Dry January, a social movement widely attributed to a campaign started by a nonprofit organization in the UK around 2014. Dry January was such a resounding success in the UK that … Read more

Happy Hormones Boost Feel-Good Brain Chemicals

Happy Hormones

“Happiness Hormones” is a term used to describe to certain types of feel good happy chemicals in the brain. These happiness chemicals play an important role in regulating mood and emotions and contribute to our feelings of happiness, pleasure, and positive mental health. When a person’s brain chemistry is working properly, they feel happy and … Read more

Red Ribbon Week Drug Prevention Awareness Campaign

Red Ribbon Week Drug Prevention Awareness Campaign

Red Ribbon Week is an essential awareness campaign held every year from October 23 to 31 throughout the United States to prevent violence and drug use by children and teens. As the nation’s largest and oldest drug prevention initiative, it is beneficial way to create awareness and encourage kids to learn about the importance of … Read more

Pain Awareness Month in September

pain awareness month

September is recognized as Pain Awareness Month to better educate those who deal with pain on a regular basis. Sadly, over 14 million people worldwide live in perpetual pain. In the United States, the CDC estimates that about 20.4% of adults live with constant chronic pain. That is a lot of people who live in … Read more

Polypharmacy in the Elderly, Statistics and Prevention

Polypharmacy in the Elderly

The literal Polypharmacy definition is “many medications.” Most healthcare providers consider polypharmacy in the elderly to include patients who are 65-years of age or older that are taking five or more medications on a daily basis. While taking five or more medications every day may be unavoidable for some people, it’s important to understand polypharmacy … Read more

10 Self Care Ideas and Tips for Self Care Awareness Month

self care ideas

Protecting our physical and mental wellbeing has to be a priority in our life, which is why taking advantage of helpful self care ideas and discovering new self care tips is so important. The month of September is recognized as National Self Care Awareness Month so it’s the perfect time to practice self-care ideas and … Read more

Men’s Health Month Top 7 Tips

mens health month

Men’s Health Month is important and shouldn’t be overlooked. From a young age, many boys are told to “man up” and they shouldn’t get emotional or show any signs of weakness. This carries through to adulthood so they build a tough exterior to suppress their inner feelings and don’t open up to others emotionally as … Read more