oro house recovery

Effects of Childhood Trauma in Adults

childhood trauma

The effects of childhood trauma in adults can have a lasting impact on personal relationships, as well as an individual’s physical and mental health. If you ask a group of people for the definition of “childhood trauma,” the answers are likely to vary widely because trauma usually doesn’t occur from simply an isolated or single … Read more

June is PTSD Awareness Month

PTSD Awareness Month

Because trauma impacts so many people, June is recognized every year as PTSD Awareness Month. While some people are able to recover after a traumatic experience, many relive their worst moments over and over again. Approximately 6 people out of a 100 will develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) at some point in their lives, and … Read more

Bilateral Stimulation for Anxiety and PTSD

Bilateral Stimulation

Bilateral Stimulation is a form of therapy that has shown to be effective for treating certain types of mental health issues like PTSD, anxiety, trauma disorders, and other conditions. It is an integral part of EMDR treatment for PTSD, and it can be incorporated into formal therapy sessions as well as at home and daily … Read more

EMDR Therapy for PTSD and Trauma Memories

EMDR Therapy

EMDR Therapy is a unique alternative to traditional psychotherapy treatment for PTSD, trauma, and other mental health conditions related to traumatic memories. Formally known as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, it is an evidence-based treatment method that is distinctly different from other therapies. It is effective for healing and recovery when other therapies have failed … Read more

Secondary Trauma and Traumatic Stress

Secondary Trauma and Traumatic Stress

Secondary Trauma, also known as Secondary Traumatic Stress, is a mental health issue that affects individuals who are indirectly impacted by traumatic events. It is a unique condition because those who experience it did not directly encounter the trauma causing the symptoms they struggle with. Even though they didn’t live through the stress and anxiety … Read more

Learned Helplessness Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Learned Helplessness Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Learned helplessness is a condition that occurs when an individual feels helpless and unable to control or change a difficult situation even when a solution is available. It often arises after experiencing a traumatic event or a series of repeated events, like being abused as a child. This causes a person to believe that no … Read more

Complex PTSD Symptoms, Causes and CPTSD Treatment

Complex PTSD Causes, Symptoms and Treatment for C-PTSD

Complex PTSD symptoms are closely related to those of post-traumatic stress disorder although there are often differences in the causes of the condition. Understanding the distinction between the two is necessary for identifying the most effective Complex PTSD treatment approaches. What is Complex PTSD? Complex PTSD, also known as C-PTSD, is one of several types … Read more